
By Tryards

Jump for Joy!

This aternoon we went to the 40th Festival of International Music and Dance held in a huge marquee in Gannat, a small town of 6000 people, in the Allier district.
After a lot of rain and some thunder and lightening during the night the temperature dropped from yesterday's 41 to this afternoon's 21! It was ideal for sitting in the marquee with hundreds of people who had come to see this (one of many) spectacles. We were not disappointed. There were teams of dancers and musicians from all over the world:- from Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Africa and Russia (Daghestin), Sri Lanka, Italy and of course Gannat in France. We had difficulty deciding which picture to post today and decided that the children of Gannat deserved the blip. Unfortunately the girls, in their traditional costumes, didn't feature in this picture. We decided that we ought to put some of our pictures on our blipfolio.

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