Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Texting in the Writing Center

This is my last day in the Writing Center for summer session. I've had some valuable moments here. What will I remember about these 8 days--several weeks from now? Probably, I will remember three students who I worked with numerous times.

**Numerous times I assisted a Vietnamese man who is probably 50. He could hardly speak English but his writing was well constructed and meaningful. At our last meeting today I told him that what would help him is to listen to someone reading English and then for him to read it aloud so his pronunciation would improve . . . then I think he would catch-on very quickly. He was so respectful. I thoroughly enjoyed him.

**Another student, a gal who told me she is 33 and has a 2 ½ year old son, but never married his dad, because it was a losing relationship . . . she is so excited about becoming a registered nurse. She expressed that she wants to work hard and truly learn to write well because the nursing program is very difficult to get into and very demanding. She's been to the school of hard knocks; she has a thirst for something better. I enjoyed my time with her.

**One other re-entry student, who I did not remember, had taken my basic writing class a couple years ago and she expressed that she was so thankful that I take teaching seriously. That means I expect quality work from my students . . . in student terms that translates to "tough." Now that she is in a higher level course, she realizes the importance of producing meaningful work. We worked together on several of her papers. She expressed lots of appreciation; that felt good.

I also remember all the texting I watched in this room. Hopefully I'll remember when the fall term begins that my students' first language is text messaging and that I will be teaching them a foreign language -- whole English.

Hope you've had a great Thursday. I'm headed for home to celebrate this evening. Good night from Southern California.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Gracious meaningful comments continue to be left on my Tuesday journal -- Thank YOU to everyone. We are heart-broken. I will give updates on Desiree and Tristan.

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