
By Scobes

Where Eagles Dare...

…back to Peebles again this morning to perform more paperwork sorting from Aunty K's library of records. Strange what people hang on to, Owen will be delighted to find that I’ve not kept every mobile phone bill, since smart phones were a new thing, waiting for him to dispose of.

Then a trip home down the Tweed valley whilst collecting a new base layer, buying drugs for the cat and some stamps, dumping at the dump and stopping to admire these impressive gate post guardians and listening to the new 'The Rest Is Classified' podcast. Fascinating what skullduggery the CIA & MI6 get up to in the name of 'the free world'. 

Home and I went out for a pootle on the bike in the clear blue sky, but the icey puddles at Kelly Burn made me think better of continuing, so I turned and made for home like the big shiter that I am. The remainder of my cycle was on the static bike thingy in the garage with the fumes of the heating oil tank to enjoy. 

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