soaking in he morning sun ...

... MUM! there is a lizard running around the porch?
me: what is?
Helena: there is a lizard running towards palm trees?
me: really, I don't see it?!!?!!
H: yeah, its there hiding in the tree?
me: oh yeah I see it!
H: its coming up the palm tree?
me: ooh (in very VERY very exciting voice) let me get the camera, BUT PLEASE H PLEASE try not to make any more exciting sounds (and don't encourage your little brother scream like a girl!!) because it will go/run away ..
me: went to get the camera out, luckily its got the lens I wanted to use .... click click click

BLIP for today done :)

it was really, really hot today .. we went to nearby beach where all local Sicilians have spent there Sunday .. lovely to see loads of love and family affairs .. I almost cried from happiness no none could speak any and I say ANY english what so ever!!
It was all about saying in english/polish/blaaaaa language .. loads of gesture and mimicking (I SO love that!)

best in +

Day 2 of 14!


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