Toots in Solitude

By Toots


Through the night it rained and rained and this morning it rained and rained. Time, I thought, to have a Sunday lie-in, a thing I've not done for a very long time. Fluff the pillow, turn over and doze, doze doze. But how long can I do this for, I thought to myself, before it becomes gross indulgence. Then the phone rang. I lay prone as I talked to my sister but she had me sussed, "oh, you were sleeping" she said. Guilt tumbled through my words, "Well, I was going to get up soon".
In any case, it's very hard to go without the morning cuppa for too long.

A nice walk with D up the road and into the woods that are there no longer. The owner gambled on the felling of his trees to bring him a high price and profit. We passed fields where the grains have grown in mixed stages of maturity, some very ripened among some still green and this brings a problem to the farmers.

We saw the rain cloud coming along to meet us as I got in my car to go, we heard it fierce in the trees in front of us and saw it heading for us, the type that in seconds has you looking like a drowned rat.

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