Corvid Fiesta

By CorvidFiesta

Ben Vorlich (Ardlui)

The forecast was for sun and frosty conditions so we decided to go to near Crianlarich and go up the Corbett of Beinn nan Imirean. It was still cloudy but bright when we left Edinburgh and 4 degrees but not far away the sky was already clear. By the time we arrived at the parking it was -8 and beautiful weather so our day was spectacular. We reached snow at about 430 metres and were fortunate to find a set of footsteps to follow as it would have been trying otherwise. The blip is a view from the summit looking towards Ben Vorlich (Ardlui), although I had many good photos to choose from. The original title was wrong so i renamed it.
Best on black.
Today’s entry on the Abstract Fiesta journal is a Frosty Wire.

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