Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


where the grass
grows as tall
as the trees
the depths
of the moor

The highlight of a peaceful Sunday was walking with 5 & 8yo over the moor to their Nanny and Grandad's, admiring the bugs, beasts and views along the way.

We passed this tree on the way. It's probably my second most blipped tree, and @paulFS has also featured it many times. There's something about it's shape, and its situation on the boundary of the moor, which lends it character.

Here's the same tree in fog and in evening light. I liked the way the texture of the grasses came through in mono, but here it is in colour for comparison.

Earlier, we had a Gatekeeper visit the garden for the first time, an indication that they may be further extending their range. We were visited by more moths. Later, we stumbled across some Palmate Newts in Nanny & Grandad's garden.

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