
By DancingAly


Lucy arrived at 11:30am this morning to decorate the Christmas trees...

Gabriel has never slept well (he's too young really) but has taken to not even going back into his own bed at all after his second nighttime wake-up... leaving me feeling utterly trashed! One saving grace is after a cup of tea/milk at regular waking-up time, he does tend to go to sleep on his tummy on the bunny blanket in the big bed whilst I lay next to him, which allows me a bit of a doze. This morning I just couldn't get up, so when Lucy arrived I hadn't even put my make-up on....

She came straight upstairs, calling gently "Gabriel, Gabriel!" and went straight to see him. He was screeching already as he'd lost the dummy and the nap was over, but she was very attentive trying to help reunite him with his dummy ;-) 

I ended up with them both downstairs in the dining room - him on the playmat with Lucy entertaining him, and the dog an inch from me, stalking me for the two digestives I'd wrapped in a napkin and stuffed in my dressing gown pocket, whilst I tried to put some make-up on! At one point, the dog, having gotten fed up of waiting, went behind me and I could feel tugging at my pocket as he tried ton extricate the biscuits! 

Lucy was here for about four hours, and we tried to take their Christmas picture. Little Ro came, and we got Gabriel into his Christmas suit, Lucy already came over in her Christmas Pj's, and the dog into one of his headpieces, and off we went. We set the spare bed up with a cream blanket and some lights, and Lucy held Gabriel whilst we tried to get Little B in the frame with the help of some Scrumbles! I'm not sure we got all three looking happy, or even at the camera at the same time, but it will be good to look back on nonetheless ;-)

In other news, sister number two bought the baby a monitor which we set up in his room. Despite Little Ro trying to settle him in his crib, a certain person (named Lucy) kept tippy-toeing up the stairs despite being told to stay downstairs, citing "I'm just going to...'...

No sleeping was done until she left ;-) 

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