Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Caught short! This beautiful wall paper was really expensive and Mike calculated this wall could be done with two rolls. Well it could, all except this little square. Our dear friend Helen came to put it up for us today and we went through every little but of off cut and could not match the pattern. We will prob just paint it or use a non matching piece as it seems excessive to buy another roll just for this. It will be behind the TV anyway so you won't see it. I absolutely love it. The plastic sockets are not staying by the way which is why we haven't been very careful painting round them! 

All four boys were in for sheath cleansing this afternoon. Poor Indy has a bean and was getting increasingly upset with the procedure so we will need to get some sedation and have the lady back. She managed to get him half done but said he was very sore so it needs to come out. Poor lad. 

Eva's had a tough day at school (so called friends being very unkind) so needed lots of cuddles tonight. 

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