Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Night Walking

Seconded today, tired after Juno decided 4.00 am was a perfect time to start barking.

On the way to work, spotted a fox family playing on the railway with an old football, 4 cubs and 2 adults I think.

Came home with the temperature dropping, freshening wind and the dark threatening clouds to the west. Watched the lightning later on in the evening.

Eco son is not well, high temp and flu like symptons just going back to check on him.

Took Juno up Blackford Hill for an evening stroll at dusk, the yellow snake of streetlights moved along hugging the coast. The distant lighthouses to the east blinked out of the gloom on their night time cycle.

Lots of toads moving around after yesterday's day of the frogs. Juno managed to catch one and it must have excreated some protection as it was dropped quickly and Juno was trying to get rid of a taste.

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