
By H22

Place: Hillsville, VA 37/55
Main activity: Mon - website work
Notes: Lilly Mae woke me up several times just barking but didn't need to go out. Rain overnight and light drizzle in the morning. All animal stuff went pretty well tho. Spent the majority of the day on Michelle D's new website - adding services pages - was 4p before I knew it! Gizmo climbed up on the chair and sat on my chest a couple times - she's a little heavy but it was so sweet (and lots of purring!). Brought the horses in @5p - they came easily again (thank goodness). Warmed up steak and onions then, made a fried egg to go w/ and had yogurt w/ pomegranate and some choc whipped cream. A bit more on the website and then fed the inside animals before canceling my Starlink and disassembling it ... then fed the horses and put them to bed. Shower and boxed up the Starlink, turned on MNF (Cinn/Dallas - uggh). Ended up working more on the site and didn't get to bed until after 11p - very tired!

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