Noises from the SW Front

By Aestus

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A quiet Saturday over all. Wee Gav was here over night and most of the day as his mum works on Saturday these days.

Headed off to see the Lone Ranger matinee at noon-ish. We assumed we could just waltz in because it's already been out a few weeks, and the critics panned it. Surprise, at 10 mins before show-time the only seats left were down in front. K doesn't like to sit there.

After a quick re-think,we picked Pacific Rim instead, with a start 30 mins later. No trouble getting seats there - might have been a clue. Think Godzilla, re-made for the new era with bigger effects. Still tearing up Asia though. It wasn't bad - good B Feature stuff , if they still had those. Wee Gav liked it though.

Didn't feel like waiting for a table in the dining room so we ate at the bar in a local steakhouse - we were taken by the way they displayed their extra booze, ordered by color and backlit.

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