Life At 60°

By Lifeat60Degrees


A busy week of not achieving anything. Fewer walks, steps, miles and birds for a mixture of reasons.
Can't really blame the weather this week, it seems we were better off than most of the rest of the UK with our selection of wind, rain and sunshine none of which were really anything to talk about.  The wind south did cause some issues with the ferry timetable at the end of the week. For the first time in December (early December at that) I've seen  Lesser Celandine beginning to appear alongwith garden bulbs and catkins on the willows.
Only 25 species of bird this week the highlight of which was a Water Rail (the extra photo is of one sheltering in a dark hole at the side of the burn - heavy on the denoise given how dark is was). Chiffchaff was also a bit of a bonus. Winter months are the time I generally see one but this was the first since January.

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