
By Wildwood

Spring Lake Egrets

I'd just finished describing our early morning walk around 
Spring Lake and these egrets enjoying the aftermath of the heavy rainstorm we had a couple of weeks ago when I managed to erase the whole thing. I won't go into it all over again, but suffice it to say that these two caught my eye as they flew around each other, preening and spreading their wings. We were walking across the dam so my pictures weren't great, but I enjoyed watching them.

We went to the Farmers' Market which is winding down. Some vendors will continue all winter, but most of the fruit and veggie ones will take some time off. One vendor told me he tries to grow and sell winter crops, but that they grow much more slowly. Eddie, at the pour-over coffee stand gave me a taste of his extraordinary hot chocolate because he was almost out of it and had run out of whipped cream. It is and almost thick enough to stand a spoon up in. My little taste was just about right.

The bakery lady is taking some time off , so we stopped by Sarmentine, and extraordinary French bakery on the way home. If the bakery lady doesn't come back soon, this might become a new part of our Farmers' Market Saturday tradition....

Jim and Dana got the ornaments down for us and I made a start on decorating the tree. So far there are I've only put on the simple glass balls and realize that there is a distinct lack of red ones. I'm not sure I'll be able to get more since they are still in Smith & Hawken boxes, a store that closed decades ago.

While I did that, John tackled the thick carpet of leaves which continue to fall from the oak trees all around us. He had to resort to the battery operated leaf blower, much quieter than the obnoxiously loud gas ones, but which still makes Spike bark and howl....

Looks like it will be french sausages for dinner as that is one of the few things we bought at the Farmers' Market. 

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