
By Colstro

Storm Darragh

I slept soundly through the night: I wasn't woken by the sound of high winds.  When I got up and looked out of the window, all looked calm.  The estuary was, perhaps, a little more choppy than normal and the bushes were moving a little.  There were still dog walkers and joggers out and about, although maybe fewer cyclists.  The wind generators were still doing their thing.

So I went out for a walk.  There seemed to be no significant wind, although when I walked along one lane I did come across this broken branch and the road was generally strewn with broken twigs.

Clearly where I am living and the immediate area are protected.  Once I reached Battery Point the wind became fierce and gusty and cold.  There were waves on the beach - not large, but normally there are pretty well no waves along the banks of the estuary. The wind soon became tiring, so I retired to the nearby hotel for a welcome cup of hot chocolate.

I think the storm had much more impact elsewhere and we were probably lucky to escape the worst.

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