
By davidc

Silly Saturday: "Kiki"

We're not fans of electric blankets but my Editor does like to be warm in bed, so a hot water bottle is important at this time of year. However conventional shapes of bottle only warm a small part of the bed at a time so sometimes two bottles were needed. A couple of years ago Santa was kind enough to give her this alternative shape which is much more effective, and he chose to bring a cover with it. He thought a Koala was the silliest choice and my Editor rather likes "her" - she (the Koala that is) is definitely female as she seems to move around a lot during the night!! My Editor named her "Kiki".

I'm sure everyone knows that the Silly Saturday challenge continues in memory of its originator, Admirer, so if you can please see if you can blip something really daft. My Editor and I are hosting this time so we'd love to be given some chuckles! The tags are SilSDec2024 and/or SilS427.

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