Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Choosing the good bits

I had contemplated putting up the photo I took in Morrison's about 9am today, showing a huge crate jammed against the mince pies and cardboard boxes littered about the floor so that I couldn't get in without throwing my weight about (literally), but I've satisfied my need to shout by putting it on Twitter with @morrison's  and an attached rant and the hashtag #morrisonsfail... And there, I've just told you all anyway. The staff try their best, but the removal of the night crew has wrecked the system. Bah.

I also thought, when the rain began at lunchtime, that I wouldn't be out again, but later, when all I seemed to do was fall asleep over the paper, over a book, over my phone, the rain sort of stopped a bit, became more drizzle than downpour, and we were tempted. On with the Paramo jacket and the don't-give-a-damn trousers and out into the growing dusk we went, heading inland round the road that circles the town and which our church perches above, down to the West Bay at the southern end and back along the prom. The waves were crashing noisily on the pebble beach, there were interesting, sinister eddies at the bend in the shore, the lighthouse looked very far away and the Boathouse cafe looked cosy and inviting as we approached the town. 

To the south, the sky cleared as we walked, while to the north it seemed to grow blacker than ever, so that the lights shining on Highland Mary and on the Castle House museum, stood out dramatically and I felt myself cheering up after the torpor of earlier. The final touch was the newish moon, rising above the roofs as we neared home. 

You can tell that this walk was really the highlight of the day, though I suspect the baked salmon that I'm about to go and prepare will also constitute same. Another highlight was a text message from our former and much-loved bishop of whom we despaired when it came to social media of any kind - perhaps his recent retiral has given him some time to discover the joys. 

Now all I need to do is struggle with the wretched adhesive labels I bought yesterday which don't fit my label template and leaves a couple of rows with names on the labels above them ... and get round to card-writing, as I see Lady F has already begun. And I still need inspiration for several presents for people I care about ... but not tonight. 

Only rejoice: I've written this before dinner and haven't tried to fall asleep once. 

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