
By MumOf4Wildlings


Well what a difference a day makes. They briefly stopped the jedis drip to run bloods last night as his face started to puff up.  Thankfully his kidney test was fine and they put him back on the drip. 
He slept all through the night and was so settled.  The tamiflu has practically stopped his coughing.  How amazing.  
The nurses were in about every half hour through the night as his machine kept going off . So I had a very unsettled night. 

I spoke to the big wildlings on video call this morning.  It was great to see them. 

The jedi has had some crisps today and has been drinking.  Woo hoo. They're going to review him at dinner and see about letting him out tomorrow.  I'm going to see if they will let us go tonight. Hes been out his bed for the last 3hours. The longest since last Friday. And a big difference in him. And we're just along the road and I want us home. 

My doctor called this morning.  Says my bloods are normal but isn't ruling out alopecia.  That will be for the dermatologist to decide. 

I selfishly want my own bed and to see the big wildlings. 

Fingers crossed.  

Thanks for all your love for my jedi and your well wishes. 

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