over the rooftop…
…a sunset
by abba
it had been a mostly - cloudless day so i - wasn’t necessarily anticipating - a sunset per se - but you can never know - what will happen when - you live so close to - the mountain range so i - like to think i’m prepared - i noticed a hint of glow - and thought it wouldn’t - amount to much since - it was too far from - the peak itself
but then - well i will just say this - don’t ever discount rooftops - i can’t say what it - might be about them - but abba used this one - to its fullest advantage - splashing wonderful deep - colors across the sky in - a sudden cloud burst - which i’m not sure where - it came from but - no matter because it soaked - up glorious beauty for the - eye to behold which only - our creator redeemer - can paint together - with his majestic hand - in order to make it…
happy day…..
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