Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


Day 4

Craft ideas :)

(I'll share if it works out)

Some upsetting news last night 

My Dad suddenly has been unable to walk, so they won't be able to come over on Monday.  

Best news it doesn't seem to be a stroke thankfully.

However the Dr's have no idea why :(

He rang me to say about Monday and then said they'd like to come and visit preferably before Christmas or afterwards.

However if he can't walk currently how will he be able to drive?

Feeling rather worried...

After that news I opened my box of chocolates, so much for saving it for food bank or something!!

I've told my boss and she was really understanding thankfully.

That's been my day!

And embarrassingly I'd totally forgotten a theatre trip tonight, so I haven't gone as wasn't ready and not in the right mind. :(

Thankful that I'm working from home both tomorrow and Friday.  

i ddcided id still take the day off on Monday, and hopefully get some Christmas  shopping done...

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