
By LynnH


Forrest gets the honour of being the 365 blip. It should have been both of them, but as you can see hereMoss was too busy watching things fly about in the wind!

It is fitting that it is Forrest as he was the trigger years ago for all the changes in my life. Moss has been my constant over the last year and grounded me when things got tough - I had to get out of bed each day to walk him.

So many changes this year and several new beginnings, some that will last, some that are only temporary.
Oliver arrived in January and is such a lovely little boy and more recently the shop - which wasn't even on the agenda a year ago!

I've made so many blip friends who have made many really nice comments on my photos - not sure my photography skills have improved, but that's for the next year.
I love looking at other peoples blips and while I don't have as much time to comment as I would like, I do enjoy them.

I never thought I would achieve the red balloon for 365 - thank you RobT for convincing me to join.

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