Misty Sunrise
Stepped out of the house this morning to see a misty sunrise over the field. It was still frosty which surprised me.
Thank you for all the kind comments on my little chaffinch yesterday. I didn't see many birds this morning.
A health warning here. I'm about to describe a tragic incident on the railway so please don't read on if this affects you.
My journey home from Glasgow yesterday was delayed for the saddest of reasons. Someone was struck, and killed, by the train in front of mine. Because of where it happened the lines north and east all ground to a halt. A tragedy for so many people. Our train crew members were superb. Eventually the train headed back to Glasgow but stopped at one of the intermediate stations. We were allowed to alight and Cameraman kindly drove to pick me up. I imagine it would have been many hours before services were restored.
I'm off to a trustee meeting this morning (fortunately with coffee) then I'm out with friends tonight. I'm very much looking forward to that. I've already excused myself from strengthen and lengthen yoga tomorrow as I'll be having a later than usual night.
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