
By Incredibish

Whatever gets you through the day...

Still Life with Tiny Objects

Another busy day, this time trying to paint white paint over white plaster coat... It's snow-blindness that gets you in the end, you know... Still, we used the new oven for real this evening, with a pizza that was cooked to perfection.

I've used a couple of the doors from the old kitchen upon which to mount my tiny objects, accompanied by some of yesterday's grain. Somehow, by the time the photoshoot was done, so were the contents of the glass. Ah well.

If anyone tells you protests solve nothing, point them at South Korea... as someone put it on Mastodon earlier this evening: 
South Korean President: I DECLARE MARTIAL LAW 
South Korean youths on the streets at 3am: u wat m8?
South Korean president: I UNDECLARE MARTIAL LAW

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