michigan man

By outdoorguy

More Michigan on Monday

Making this painting of a Michigan postage stamp brought back some memories. The stamp came out in 1987, meaning that I was 34 years old and had been working at the post office for 15 years. I half-paid attention to the yearly new stamps that came out, and I do remember this one as being quite striking. Simple, but striking.

Ah...the Post Office. This stamp went for 22 cents, and now they retail for 73 cents apiece. That's a 51 cent increase! Yikes!

I do have some opinions about what has happened to the post office, but what does it matter? Would it change anything? NO!

It was fun making this 12 x 16 piece. As a Michigander, I can open up my Michigan mind and "see" this stamp scene in a number of Michigan places.

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