My walks at Shubie Park started again this morning. It was a sunny day so I wanted to get out and enjoy it. When I started along the trail there was an area with juncos, sparrows and squirrels, then it got quiet, not even the squirrels were around. When this hawk flew over and landed in a tree I realized why it was quiet. I slowly moved to a position where I could get a photo of the hawk. He stayed for a couple of photos, then moved on. I saw him 2 more times along the trail, then the crows started harassing him so he moved off in another direction.
When I came home, the birds were in the back yard. Chickadees, song sparrows, juncos, a white breasted nuthatch and a hairy woodpecker. I put some suet out and the woodpecker found it right away. I was getting my Christmas planters ready for the front step, then came around back to finish the one for the deck, and he was at the suet when I came up the steps. I stopped at the top of the steps and he stayed on the suet for a few more minutes, I was less than 6 feet away from him.
Lots of organizing this afternoon. I am ready to put some pictures on the walls in the kitchen. The bedroom is almost done too.
Tomorrow morning I am going out for breakfast with the travel/social group. I will get to do a few more things with them over the winter, lots of daytime activities that I cannot attend when I am working. I hope to go for a walk somewhere tomorrow morning too, preferably before I go to the breakfast.
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