
By dogwithnobrain

There's no need to be afraid

A Christmas miracle occurred today 

I was awake three hours during the night with the coughing 

I wheezed all the way 

I worked my way through the morning and decided I'd call the pharmacy and ask if I could get some antibiotics.  

No they said. You need to speak to the doctor 

So I set about for a long call ... but surprisingly the phone was answered in 10 minutes 

I explained my situation ... And the receptionist said, you'd need an appointment l sighed and said okay. I'll call back tomorrow 

No. No she said, can you come in at 330pm

What?  What?   Today?  Amazin!

I am so impressed. Two hours after phoning I was in my possession of antibiotics and steroids! 


NHS done good 

Ps. Lost my candle lighter. 

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