Story Beyond a ThsndMiles

By dkarjadi15


After a whole week of nothing but work, work and work, we set out again on another phototrip. But this time to a much closer destination and lesser travelling by foot (just for a break). The location is the shipwrecks at Homebush Bay. There were three shipwrecks; the main one, another hidden in the mangroves and another we need a boat of some sort to be able to see it. Its a good location, shame that we went on a shitty cloudy day. We waited for the day to get darker and offer better sky, so we went to Rhodes shopping centre to waste some time. Came back, it was still bad and bright, so even to waste more time TOP GEAR from an iPod touch was our main entertainment.
Finally, the day got better, darker and offered us with colours of the sunset.

Overall, nice trip, would go back there again during a much better day. Another photo to show what Sydney and NewsouthWales can offer! :D

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