A Morning Full Of Blessings!
God blessed us with a beautiful fall morning as we gathered at FBC today! The partly cloudy skies offered no rain, but there is some hope for next week. So, we opened our service with a congregational song of worship and praise to God for sending his one and only unique Son into our sinful broken world to save us. After the welcome from Pastor Wes, the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented a song that will be a part of our Christmas Concert two weeks from today, "A Merry Carol Of The Bells". The congregation offered up a few more songs of corporate worship before Pastor Wes focused our attention on verses from Isaiah 41 and 42 that prophesied about a servant who was coming who would be the one to provide a way for a sinful broken world to be made whole again and reconciled to God. In Isaiah's time, man could only see a shadow of the coming servant, but we live in the time when the Servant has been revealed and we know it is Jesus, who has come to bring us light and a new life that will be pleasing to God and will point others to the Way, the Truth and the Life as they see Jesus in us. Pastor Wes had much more to say about this new life and how you can find it in the Live-stream which would be a good investment of your time. At the end of the service, we were blessed by two special things. We were blessed as we recognized some of those who had recently completed our New Member class---some were unable to be there this morning, but we applauded the ones who were there. The other blessing is no secret, because it is in the collage-----our church surpassed our goal for OCC shoe boxes and we are very happy that even more children and their families will hear about the good news of Jesus than the original goal of 951 we were aiming for!
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