Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Cleaning out my closet

I'm up north tonight at my parents and as I will be driving back next week with a lot of room in the car, I thought it was about time I took some of my prized possessions back to Bristol with me.

So far I have thrown 2 bin bags out of things that I really don't need; and it's been really really liberating.

I feel so good for it :)

This mug has survived the cull, but to be honest I've actually got no idea what I will do with it once I get home.

Had a good drive up here, and have not seen a drop of rain.

Got the girls coming round tomorrow for Sunday lunch, and C is really looking forward to seeing them.

As for the mug; I suppose a quick eBay trawl is required to see if it's worth owt. Also got to see is my old BBC Master is worth flogging; or do I just donate it to Beamish instead?

Here's the track

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