
By WeeDragon_J


Had phone call from one of the nurses checking up on how I was & how I was managing.

Still quite sleepy & spaced out. Back muscles have been saying ‘hello, we need some work’ but suppose that is what happens when mainly in bed for a week.

Must remember not to try to get into bed the way I usually would as it doesn’t help ease pain.

Trying to catch up on news etc but not really making a lot of sense. Like the milk issue that they are adding stuff to cattle feed to make the cows fart less! Everything needs to fart! Painful if it gets stuck! Not sure I will continue with any of the suppliers using this stuff. How will it affect milk, butter, yoghurt, cheese & products that contain these?

My brain is not really digesting it properly.

Not frosty at lunch time so had a wee walk round the chuckies. This bud is trying to open but the frosts are causing lots to be dying back.

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