
By Tryards

Storm clouds gathering!

We knew the temperature was set to reach 38 today so decided to spend the morning on site and look for an air-conditioned supermarket in the afternoon. HOWEVER .. .. R thought it would be a good opportunity to try to stop our water pump cutting in at spurious times. Three hours and two men later (including our Dutch neighbour) R asked "Do you fancy a trip to a caravan accessories shop?" Well, how could I refuse **!!??
At the second supplier we found a new water pump - not the same make, but "might work with a bit of mackling about". A visit to a DIY shop down the road to invest in some more spare parts "just in case" and then the drive back. The temperature rose to 41degrees and it was like walking about in a huge hot hairdryer as the wind became quite strong when we stepped outside.
Now, forgive me, if you thought the storm clouds were INSIDE the caravan (well not yet anyway) but the guardian has warned us to be prepared for "orange alert" so nearlyall hatches battoned down as we wait patiently for (a) the pump to work and (b) the storm to pass without unloading its thunder and lightening here.

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