The bubble

By Phini

Mom dad n Ali

Came to visit yesterday. I didn't want to blip it as I was a little sad as daddy has not good news as he is having tests and investigations done for prostate problems.

Well actually I should say GOOD news he is having tests done. Because that's how you catch problems early and cure them.

I had forgotten what a shopping demon mommy is. In fact I sat with my shoes off and feet up on the sofa reading a paper in camps while she filled her boots and Ali took herself off to the cafe for a drink.

Later on after dinner and mom dad n sis had departed. Em, H myself n my pooches walked down to the pub to meet husband Steve and Kirk (who was staying the night and quite drunk).

I love making my big sis put silly things on when we are shopping. She rocked the gingerbread man chefs hat today

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