Second Breakfast
This squirrel was having his second breakfast in the sun at Sculthorpe Moor this morning. I thought it was the kind of day that might attract the kingfisher, but I didn't see it, although someone said it had been seen that morning. I left one hide before intended due to a very odd couple who came in shortly after I did. I was sitting back at one open window as the bird table is very close, and they sat down at the next. As they came in he pointed to the window I was at and said to his wife 'that's the best one'. Then he put his seat very close to mine and started shooting through the window I was at. The final straw was when he leant forward in front of me to take photos. His wife said nothing. Aren't some people odd!?! This afternoon I cleaned out the gutters and did the ironing, mostly bedding washed and dried today. The contractors working for Greshams were doing the work promised close to my boundary today - they've certainly done a lot of cutting back, but they're not finished yet. Thanks so much for all the hearts for my seal photos yesterday, much appreciated.
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