
By mollymay49


This is a Eucalyptus (Gum Tree) Native to the whole of Australia, its name is a combination of Greek words meaning "well covered", this Eucalyptus is well covered in Gum NUTS, this would have been quite spectacular when it was in flower not so long ago, when the blossom falls this is all that remains, the NUTS, they are full of Eucalyptus seeds.
Most Eucalypts can regenerate from seed after fire, they have a woody capsules that protect the seeds during the fire, which then open after fire, releasing the seeds.
In some instances they can also be a fire hazard too, yet re-growth enables them to regenerate after fire.
Adaptations that promote fire include:
A high content of volatile oils in the leaves and litter from the leaves on the ground that breaks down extremely slowly.
An open canopy, long strands of bark that hang from limbs after peeling which can be carried alight for many kilometres to start new spot fires ahead of the fire front.
Glyn, my husband knows all about this when he worked for c.a.lm, Conservation and land management, for many years he has fought bush fires with this same hazard.
But when all said and done Australia wouldn't be the same without the Eucalyptus or its NUTS!

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