wandering sheep

By shepherdess


Ever since Art was born I've been obsessed about sleep. His. Mine. Si's. Where, when, for how long.
Recently he slept through the night for the first time (at 6 and a half months), the next day I felt amazing, but I knew it wouldn't last. And sure enough he's yet to repeat it.
It's not so much the lack of sleep, because I've generally gone to bed at 8pm. But it's the constant waking up. Some nights he'd only sleep for half am hour at a time. So just as I'd drifted off I'd be woken up again.
Sleep deprivation torture was invented by a parent.
At the moment he's sleeping comparatively well. Only generally 2 or 3 wakes a night. And I'm experimenting with staying up till ten o'clock (when I can).
There was a time when I thought his sleeping face was the most beautiful thing in the world, now I tend to think that about his smile, especially when he laughs. But I could still happily watch him sleep for hours.

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