
By MerlotsDad


Sorry I've not been here of late. I have been feeling unwell for some time and I seem to be going thru the I can't be bothered phase.
As you know C passed and then regrettably I had to have merlot put to sleep following a sudden illness.
I can hardly walk now because I'm desperate to have a new knee joint. If I walk it's bone on bone and lots of pain.
I think I'd mentioned that I'd been diagnosed with cirrhosis, well finally I saw the heptologist who told me to stop drinking (not that I drank much before) and lose weight. ive stopped drinking and lost 10 kilos so far and I don't have a return appointment till next year.
My heart problem of A Fib has returned and I have been diagnosed with amyloidosis the only treatment being available via Hammersith hospital.
Last week I was told that I have a very slow heart beat of 47ish as opposed to 60+ and I'm waiting for another cardiology appointment...
All in all I feel awful. Sleeping alot and not leaving the house. I gave up driving in July and so I'm thinking I should sell my car now.
I think that's it for now.
Will talk again soon.

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