Went to the village this afternoon to pick up my repeat prescriptions and the weather was so nice I decided not to just go back home and I got the bus to Newcastle. Yes Newcastle again - 3rd time this week. Nothing special in mind to do so I just wandered around for a while. I did buy a lovely lavender plant which has a gorgeous smell.
My blip shows some beautiful stained glass windows I found in Northumberland Street. They are on the first floor above a shop. At the moment the shop is Phones 4 U but as the stained glass windows indicate it was once the shop of David Summerfield jewellers - the DS can be seen on the middle window. This firm of jewellers was founded in 1912 and there are still a few branches left around the North East. Searching for a blip certainly makes you look up as you are walking around.
The weather was still lovely when I got home so I sat outside and ate some cherries. ( And a bag of Walkers French Fries - only 4½ Syns. As I'm allowed up to 15 Syns a day they are an excellent low Syn treat. )
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