A-visiting I did go
Up across town to my old stomping ground to visit a Canalside Character. That's something - to get a pen portrait (and photo!) of yourself in the local press. Well, the local business bulletin thing - we get one through our door too, though ours obviously enough, isn’t called Canalside. It’s the Trinity Spotlight. I may lobby them to have a similar column featuring kenspeckle characters from these parts. *preens himself for the inevitable photoshoot*
Sorry, rewind, this isn’t about me, no - I was up visiting Donald - and Toots who lays a very good table for elevenses I must say. The most enormous chocolate muffins I have ever seen. A delightful visit and then we did stravaig, in the Scots manner, along the aforementioned canal before I took my leave of them just past the bottom of Murder Terrace, as Toots cries it. And indeed there was a poileas car with its lights a-flashing. Old traditions, ken.
A good step homeward picking up provisions for the arrival back of the SK.
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