Still Rockin'

By RockArea

Miss Babs

My friend Barbara, pictured here on the right with Lady Marian has just moved back to Devon after a few years exile in Hampshire. We used to work together and twenty years ago it was her matchmaking efforts brought Marian and I together. We went over today to have tea and look round the beautiful house she's moved into. It was all a bit hectic as the chimney sweep was there and a few things weren't going totally smoothly for one reason or another. We had to get on to Plymouth to tie up a bit of business but now she's back on a permanent basis we can catch up at another time. As we left I thought it would be good to take a quick pic but the light was very bright and causing some squinting but never mind.

After our business in Plymouth which I'll tell you about in a future blip we stopped for fish and chips which went down nicely with my Friday beer.

Have a good weekend.


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