
By IainatCreel

Flotta Home Defence

Current Mrs Creel and myself thought we'd take the Senior Thomson on a walk round the Flotta trail. He'd never been on Flotta before, we hadn't been since the Harvest Home last year.

Day didn't look too promising however we decided to brave it. Arrived on Flotta Pier (with no other bipeds) and the heavens opened. And stayed open, although it was quite muggy; luckily no midges.

We passed these 'penguins' on the side of the track. Strangely they were armed, although the weapons on the two on the left had come adrift. They faced south-south west. What do they know ?

We retreated to the Pier Hut half way round the walk - visibility down to about 10 metres.

The day was saved coming past the croft of Balaclava when we all clearly heard a corncrake - first I'd heard for 18 years. We reported it to the local RSPB - but not for bad behaviour.

Back home CMC made some fresh raspberry buns and bought them with a pot of coffee out to the boys in the shed. What more can a man ask ?

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