
By scintilla

Blipfoto Disaster

In the scheme of things, life is good. Considering the hardships endured by much of humainity currently and in the past, I'm extremely lucky to live in these times. That said, today ranked very high in the modern annoyance scale. I elected to work today and tomorrow while my wife and daughter are out of town such that I could have more time with them when they return. I still had plenty of time to blip because the days are getting long and typically, much of my weekend work can be done at home online. Today, however, the internet in the area was experiencing catastrophic failure. This extended my time in the office, and precluded me from catching up with my blip subscriptions.

Regardless, I was still able to extract myself from work with ample late subarctic sun to acquire some juicy blips. My hopes were high, and there was something I've been wanting to try for a while waiting for a good day and good lighting. The sun was bright, the sky was deep blue, and there was a smattering of pretty fluffy white clouds. I farted around for almost two hours setting up and shooting my anticipated blip. The results were dissappointing and I changed direction. The weather was so good that I was still able to generate some pleasing images that I was looking forward to seeing on the computer rather than my camera's lcd.

After returning home, I met my daily obligation to Daisy and took her for a two mile walk. A simple dinner followed and I was ready to transfer and review my images. I plugged in my card into the reader, and to my horror, there were no images from today's shooting on the card. I tried a data recovery utility that came with one of my cards with zero success. I was so demoralized. I've seen some 11th hour blips on this site that are truley wonderful, but I had no energy or motivation left to expend any more effort today. I stepped onto the driveway and popped a picture of the vanishing sun in the trees just so I could have a properly dated blip to accompany this sad story.

The thing that is driving me nuts, is I have not a clue as to why this happened. I've had this camera for three years, and I've had digital cameras for eight years. I've never lost data from a card before. It's like a mysterious cosmic ray came down and wiped out the day. What a simple reminder that nothing is for sure. I composed this while my blipping heart is heavy. Since my internet is still down, I don't know when it will be posted.

Let's hope tomorrow is a better day.

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