campervan man

By campervan

Interesting start to the day

When I work up today it was so bright coming through the curtains I thought I had over slept.
I hadn't, it had snowed for the first time this year.
Although it was earlier than I thought I still got up and found the house was very cold. I went to put the heating on and the controller was dead. As was the clock on the cooker, the light switches and Alexa. We had a power cut on the coldest day of the year so far. Investigated neighbourhood web sites and found it had been off since 2am and is affecting the whole street. As you can imagine the comments regarding the whole country falling to bits just because of a little snow were very prevalent on these sites. 
Log fires lit and saucepans of water boiled for hot drinks.
About mid morning a knock on the door. A UK Power Network man was there asking if he could cut our willow about a bit because the power line goes through its branches and was a bit tangled. We are now feeling very guilty because we were the cause of so much disruption. All those angry web warriors are also our neighbours, what can we say? Nothing was the best thing to say.
I went along to talk to the Power men and discovered that, although our tree did not help the situation, the real problem was in the woods next door where a branch had brought down a cable. So it was not our fault.
Power back on before midday and all sense of guilt banished.
We have had both log burners on all day and the central heating since 12 o'clock. The house is now extremely toasty, very warm and very pleasant. Lets hope tomorrow starts a bit better

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