
By Combi31


A change from birds today, back to insects - variety is the spice of life apparently, or in French, 'ça pimente la vie' ...

See more detail here!
This is a Pentatome - and this is what Wiki has to say about it :
Pentatomidae, Greek pente meaning five and tomos meaning section, is a family of insects belonging to order Hemiptera including some of the stink bugs and shield bugs.
The scutellum body is typically half of an inch long, green or brown color, usually trapezoidal in shape, giving this family the name "shield bug".
The tarsi are 3-segmented. The forewings of stink bugs are called hemelytra, with the basal half thickened while the apex is membranous (as are the hindwings).
The stink bug, also called stinkbug, derives its name from its tendency to eject a foul smelling glandular substance secreted from pores in the thorax when disturbed; in some species the liquid contains cyanide compounds with a rancid almond scent. This is a form of antipredator adaptation.

So there you go - there are many different colours of these bugs, here they are usually black and red - the colour of Stade Toulousain Rugby club (what else down here where rugby is probably more important than religion).

I quite liked the colour of this one - it must be a female as it has pink flecks on the thorax ... that's my science for ya!

In French, these bugs are called 'Punaises' which is the same name that is given to drawing pins, or thumb tacks for my American friends.

I took this pic quite early as I have been invited to do a presentation during a pretty important lunch with businesses in the area - hope I pick up some business contacts - you never know how long these lunches last .... I may be some time ...

I was some time .... and it was very good!

I wanted to upload this this morning but blip was shut :(

Hope you have a lovely Friday

Now, just sit back ... yes, that's right, close your eyes ... no, no, don't worry, close your eyes kick your shoes off - feel the sand on your feet, the warmth of that sand, yep, OK, now, smell that salty sea air on the gentle warm breeze, open your eyes slowly - look at that sun setting, golden orange on the burnished sea - Now click this and do that again

As you were :)

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