
By DougMacAyr

Summertime in Scotland

I was thinking the other day about our Scottish summer. This July has been exceptional. It has been virtually rain free and temperatures reached 29.3C. That .3C is important here ,, we don't get much heat so we like to know the exact temperature so we can talk and talk about the weather.

There are 2 young girls next door. I think 9 and 7. I was saying to their dad a couple of days ago that this is one of the years that will allow the girls to remember long hot summer school holidays. Everyone remembers those. Whether they really existed doesn't matter much because they are life long happy memories.

In my view this has been the best July I can remember in Scotland. Many people talk about the summer of '76 but I was living in England then and the times I came home it was raining. A young friend (23) said in the pub the other day this has been the best summer of his life. That kind of hit me as a bold statement but he is right. He wasn't around in the 70s.

Anyway even good days pass. The last couple of days have seen thunder storms. Tilly, the Border Collie, didn't bat an eyelid. That is good news because the old girl Meg hated anything spooky and thunder and lightning was right up there with the spookiest.

I took a couple of pictures in the rain. Imagine taking pictures of rain in Scotland !! A bit like Nimo taking pictures of the sea :) I used to play with cameras a bit when I was younger. I have been getting that feeling again. I'd like to take some more and maybe this is the place where I can at least plank them and someone other than me will see them.

Anyway I took a couple with a Cannon and I took one with my iPhone. That little machine is awesome. Simple to use and good enough quality for me. I was looking for a way to put more than one picture on at a time. Haven't found that yet but I have seen others with little albums.

This is one of the Cannon shots. If I can find how to load the iPhone pic as well that will be next.

Summer didn't stop. It just went back to normal for a couple of hours and now the sun is out again.

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