
By Wildwood


Winter seems to have arrived. It's been very cold at night and was still about 45F when we set off this morning with Spike for a decent walk. We had another difficult night with him last night so we were hoping some decent exercise would set him straight. This is the time of year when things start 'greening up'. Just a little bit of rain releases the green shoots from the seeds buried in the dry grass and a green sheen begins to appear.

The bank next to the trail on the Spike Walk is showing the first signs of the lush ferns that will appear later. I liked the little tableau of the delicate fern fiddleheads unrolling out of the fallen leaves against a backdrop of moss covered rock. 

We managed to avoid watching the news (or any television) last night, and I was looking forward to a peaceful night's sleep but it wasn't to be. 
Spike was in and out and up and mind was busy trying to figure out what could possibly be causing this behavior. I checked his ears and feet for stickers, he isn't scratching, he doesn't seem to need to go outside. It's a mystery but one I would like to solve so that I can get a good night's sleep before plunging into another week of dealing with the insurance company, buying a new printer (they only seem to last for a couple of years, if that) and an early morning tomorrow for a much needed visit to see Kathy.

I did a little knitting, managed to fit together 39 pieces of paper, tape them and cut out the pattern parts for the quilted coat. I haven't sewed a garment in decades (back in the day when one purchased a good old Simplicity envelope stuffed with tissue pattern pieces that could be pinned to the fabric and cut around). It all seemed to take an inordinate amount of time, but I think I've managed the task and now have only to figure out how to transfer the pattern to the fabric. And what form that fabric will take. And are there any instructions for accomplishing the construction of the coat? I think I'm too tired to proceed today.

Dinner at Dana and Jim's tonight. But right now, maybe a little nap....

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