Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Got anything for me?

It's been a lovely day in the valley. Mild, sunny, some would say Spring-like...

Jock, our Pitt Island wether has been an inquisitive wee chap today. He's been very intent on what's been going on as our farmer neighbour moves his flocks from slope to slope. What's more, both he and Franklin the pig had some unscheduled 'outside time' today, as our porcine friend lifted the orchard gate off its hinges and made a beeline for his usual digs in the top paddock.

The two animals have become quite firm friends. When Franklin went walkabout the other day down to the orchard - breaking out of another enclosure - Jock clearly missed his kunekune friend and started bleating a plaintive cry his way. I decided to relocate him to be with his piggy chum, but apparently -according to Franklin - there's no place like home. So, after much too-ing and fro-ing, they're now both at home in the top paddock. Needless to say, Franklin took no time to reassume the sunbathing position, whereas Jock just did his own thing in amongst the eucalyptus trees.

And I thought dogs were headstrong....

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