Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Queen of the Rock Pile

Gracie dresses herself.
90 degrees F.
Cowboygirl hat.
Plaid shirt.
Tie die shorts.
Cowboygirl boots.
(Orange socks in the boots).
Zebra striped, bling belt (no belt loops).
Skinned knees.

She found a sow bug the other day, we used to call them pill bugs when we were kids because they would roll up into little balls. I told her about that. She likes to play with bugs. She went off to another spot in the yard to play with her bug. A few minutes later she came back and held out her hand. An un-moving bug lay upon it. She said, 'Gramma, I think this bug killed himself'. Of course I didn't laugh, although I did find it a bit humorous, because you and I both know the bug didn't do himself in. I told her it was probably an accident.

We were eating lunch in Panda Express another day. I sat down without getting myself a straw. I asked my daughter if she would run and get me one. She said yes and got up and walked across the store to where the straws were. Gracie leaned conspiratorially (is that a word?) over the table toward me and said, 'Gramma, she's not running'.

Had to put these here so I would remember them.

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