
By SpotsOfTime

Mixed Salad

Odd sort of day. along with all the others.

Thought oddly about blip a bit.

Decided not to take my camera out tonight and then, of course, realised there were so many things I wouldn't have minded blipping which set me thinking (always dangerous) about blip and many other things ....

1) A pint and a half of Tribute helps get you and your bike up hills

2) Here is a picture of my dinner which considering it was late and after a pint and a half of Tribute is remarkably healthy.

3) I hadn't intended to blip dinner obviously but needed a vehicle by which to convey stream of consciousness

4) The first thing I thought of blipping was the shutters in the Moo Bar.

A window shutter
Sudden transport to the past
Who else has been here?

A hot wire to the
Past life of daily routine
Of open and close.

Almost religious
In its ritual and practice
Objects breathing life.

Function often lost
Historic artefacts. Con
tinue to connect.

5) My fellow lapsed blipper's Chilli Beer with whole chilli inside ... it was hot. Then there was the red sandstone of St Andrew's Church, flag flying and glowing in the sunset

6) Then, noticed for the first time the irregular roof of the Grey Goat.

And, the conversation ... the shifts, the nuances and changes we have observed that day, that week, in life, in general.

Cycling back, the very pink stems of some of the ragwort.

Thoughts of the day, of others, of the different day for others, relationship - quite astonishing when you try to think of capturing just one small part of all of that. All these things noticed and often forgotten in an instant.

7) What is it about the process of blip - a thought, a feeling, a conveyor of something else, a moment, a spot of time, a view, a significance that helps to in some way embody and separate that particular day from all the others, an internal process, an external process, connections with others ... and so it goes on .. some, all, and none of the above, or something else perhaps.

8) A pint and a half of Tribute sets you thinking, too much - its these Cornish beers ...

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