Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

The Beer Man

Was off to Hampden Park, Glasgow last night to see Springsteen. As you would expect from the man he gave his all and was incredible. It was also good to see Nils Lofgren again 25 years after seeing him at the Usher Hall, Edinburgh and Little Steven 20 years after an incredible gig at the Edinburgh Playhouse (guess he went back to his old job after the wall came down and they released Mandela). So Bruce, a man that is all about the music, why was the sound last night so utterly shit? It was like listening to an iPod with a hat under the phones. Truly awful, downgrades the gig from a 9 to a 7.5. He played Incident On 57th Street, so that was worth the money itself.

Anyway I was far to far away fro the GRD to get me anything decent like the Byrne and Morrisey shots so here we have beer man, a novel introduction (for me anyway) to the Scottish gig scene. Beer from a ruck sack, we really do live in the future my friends.

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