Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Just before Sundown

Today the delivery truck arrived with the new washer and dryer. I have zillions of photos of the two installers bringing those up the outside stairs and then through the hallway and to the back service porch, but the end of the day we went for a six mile walk along the shoreline and a photo there won my vote for this day.

While the installers were here getting the washer and dryer set-up, our son-in-law phoned to say that he was in Hollywood and would be heading for northern California and wanted to know if we'd be home so he could stop bye. We were a definite "yes." He said it would be approximately 4 hours before he arrived.

Later we sent him a text to ask if he would like to have spaghetti dinner with us. He was an immediate "yes."

We had a lovely time with our son-in-law and when we said he'd be glad to spend the night, we all decided to put the 3 pooches on their leashes and take a walk to the shoreline. Once we got there, we all agreed that walking on the sand looked quite appealing. So we were off and down to the sand.

It was my decision to walk all the way to the south end of Cayucos where there is a public restroom. It was a long and lovely walk. The fog gave everything a mysterious look and we enjoyed the entire adventure.

Once we returned home the pups were exhausted and we all sat at our laptops downloading our photos and our son-in-law showed us his T-mobile device that allowed him to pull in the Internet. We couldn't get it to work with my laptop, but I do believe that is a future item I hope to be investing in or maybe a "hot spot" so Mr. Fun and I both can be on the Internet at the same time.

From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, 3 Pooches, and 1 son-in-law), aka Carol

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